Monday, September 28, 2009


Yesterday, the 27th Josh and Laura were baptized. They were very excited and did well. I was nervous probably as every mother is with the kids being dunked under water, but not a problem, except because of their size, they wanted to float to the top instead of go under. :0)
It is such a blessing to see my children accept the Lord as their Savior. Three more to go, the younger the better, so they are not tainted by the world. I want to post pictures later.

My surprise supper

Today my 10 year old made supper for the family. She made manicotti and also pudding for desert. What a treat. I knew she was doing it of course, but I had no hand in it till her arm got tired trying to push the thing to fill the manicotti, so I finished stuffing the last few shells. It turned out well. Thanks Kayla (and Micah, he helped with the pudding) for giving me the night off with cooking.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My Songs

I changed the one song on the My songs thing, so it should be right. I did not listen to the whole 7 minutes or whatever but I did hit different points on it and it sounded right. If not feel free to comment.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Masters Club

Well, the kids started another year in Masters Club. Kayla is working on her second year getting crowns, Josh and Laura are in the third grade book (this is exciting because then next year they will be in Kayla's book and getting crowns and it is a thick book), Micah just moved to a small book (1st grade), Timothy will get badges this year for his vest, and Little Brad will be getting ribbons and he got a new vest too. It is funny how excited Brad and Little Mark (a friends son) were with their new vests. You could see the pride in their faces as they walked around with their vests and new books. I can't wait till they go up front for their first ribbon. How exciting. I love to watch their excitement learning verses, doing deeds, getting the Sunday school teacher to sign their book.
More later, maybe pics of last years awards (I tried to get each kid getting an award, but some are blurry).
Talk to you later

Friday, September 18, 2009


I always look forward to Fridays, I don't know why, since in my case I work from home, and I work for work mostly 7 days a week. But still Fridays are something I look forward to.

We did actually get in one full week of school this week. I am so happy, I am starting to realize that i need to slow down, I do actually have time for it all. When I feel stressed and rushed then I don't get much done. Isn't it weird how that happens?

I got to go to my friend Tiffany's house today on a way back from an appointment. We got some violin practice in and got to chat with just 5 kids around instead of the usual combined 9 (I only had 2 with me today). So that was very nice, and I got to see first hand Mark and Julia's new room! Wonderful. I love it.

Brad and the kids that stayed home cut the grass and weed wacked the yard. Boy it looks so nice.

Micah is reading a little faster now (a little), boy it is definately a slow process with him. I think it depends on his mood though. Some words he looks at and barely sounds them out. Then after 5 minutes he does not even know what the letters are anymore. He gets bored easily. So out we pulled the Bible and read some easy words out of there too. He likes that, and we can call that devotion. He is doing his own devotion (even if it is just one verse). As long as we talk about the verse that works. Goodie.

Now we are grilling. Filet Mignon (is that spelled right) for me and Brad and burgers for the kids. Boy they can't wait till they become a dad and mom (I hear that a lot) :0)

I am also making macarroni salad (as another friend calls them Jackie's macci's)

Well, better go, I should be working while supper is grilling and the kids are out helping dad!

Talk to you later

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Well, got a phone call this morning, hubbys mom has a problem with her eyes and needs to go to ER or maybe an eye doctor. So, here goes our day again, nothing can ever be planned around here. So off he takes her to the doctor, and I am filling in for him and taking the kids to the office for the daily meeting. It is now 1:21 and school has not started yet, and for the past 3 hours we have been on the road. Now I have work to catch up on while the kids sit at the table and do school.
Anyway, one paper is now done that was due the beginning of the week, 3 more to go!! this week every month is definately deadline days, so it is run, run, run. Most times I don't mind.
My 8 year old son wants to play the cello. I told him if he learns the violin first and shows his want to practice, than we will get a cello.
Well, I better go, school is not getting done while I am on the computer.
talk to you later

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Busy Week

Well, I have a BUSY week this week. I am trying not to stress out, and of course I have to read my Bible in the evening (or so I think), so my day does not go so well. And then by the evening I am drained.
The kids have been keeping up with school this week which is good. Sometimes on busy weeks we don't do well with school, then the next week we play catch up.
Just can't wait till October and then things should settle down with deadlines with work.

The kids have been keeping up with thier rooms, they still look pretty good. My bedroom is still clean!! I need to redust, but no clutter!

Well, I can't take too much time to write.
Talk to you later.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Happy Birthday

Well, today after church we went and helped celebrate our good friend Mark's birthday. We went to the usual place so he could have his fix of stromboli (chicken) and Mt. Dew no ice. :0)
we had a good time. Our kids enjoy being together, and I think it is great that we are able to make memories for the kids.
So, happy birthday Mark, I hope you enjoy your day!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Rainy Friday

Well, the birthday went well yesterday. I have to get some pictures put on here. Laura got a harp and a recorder and a book on how to play the recorder, and kayla got a recorder, (they can share the book). The harp is a lap harp, small but cute.
Today it is raining. That is good and bad. I have a bunch of kids that want to go out and play and a lot of work to do. The go out and play would sound good today with my work, but instead we are trapped in the house, no carpet to help quiet the noise. when I am busy with work, especially with a deadline, I get cranky. So just took a break to read my Bible, and what did God show me? Well read my other blog :) No, he said a gracious woman retaineth honor... Oops! I needed to hear that. Isn't that amazing?

Oh, one good thing, today is one week since the BIG bedroom clean and guess what! It is still clean, no clothes piles, no clutter on bureau! I am so happy. The kids rooms are looking good still. I have not gotten to my kitchen yet, but I will, soon?!

Please pray for my mom. Her back surgery is a no go, her bones are way to brittle -0 and -1 whatever that means. It is all from the chemo she had done. So she is wearing a very expensive brace and has to go to a special clinic to see what they can give her to strengthen her bones.

Well, i better go
Talk to you later.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Well, Today is the girls' birthdays. They have not woken up yet. Hopefully I can get this done and start baking a cake before they get out of bed. Thursday is always sleep in day because of Wednesday church being so late. I wanted to try and post some pictures of the two girls on here. There I got it, anyway, Kayla is ten today (she is the one with the dog) and Laura (little baker in training) is seven today. (These pics were taken in spring and Lauras was Christmas Day)
Happy Birthday Girls!!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Violin playing

Well, the day is just about over for me. I am going to bed early. But we practiced the violin today in church for the strings group. Sorry Tiffany and Zach, but I am really nervous about this song. It is "easy" they say-- Sweet Hour of Prayer. I think I miss more notes than i hit. Oh well, practice, practice, practice.
Some of the kids are not feeling the greatest today, but we all must be well because it is Kayla and Laura's birthday tomorrow. Ages 10 and 7. They want to go to Hoss' for dinner because they sing happy birthday and give you a cake, the kids also eat free when it is their birthday. I must return my exercise machine so I have to go that way anyway. I guess we will see what we are doing.
Good night, until tomorrow.

House cleaning

Well, today is a new day. I am not feeling the greatest. I told my husband that Tiffany and I are officially bloggers :0) He rolled his eyes at me and smiled.
Well, my bedroom is cleaned and the master bathroom (did that the other day) and guess what... no clothes pile on the floor or chair yet!! Yippee!
The kids rooms have been kept after, so that is well. Next thing to tackle is the kitchen. But where should I start?
And the basement, but i will save that for last.
School will be crazy this week. Monday was the holiday, yesterday i had work to catch up on, so no school for the younger ones, and today is Wednesday which is always hectic. Thursday, I HAVE to run to Selinsgrove to return my wonderful buy of an exercise machine (Fed Ex is out there). The guys are going on a big fishing trip Friday and I won't have a vehicle. Plus one publication is due next week, so busy weekend too.
Well, I better go. I will try maybe the 15 minutes a day in the kitchen, slowly but surely it will get done. Right?

Talk to you later.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

starting the blog

Well, that was easy to set this up. This was always something I wanted to do but thought it would be hard to do it.

Today we are doing a catch up day. With the long weekend, and doing no work, well... lets just say, I really don't have time to blog, but wanted to take a break.

The 3 younger kids are playing a game of pick up to see who can pick up the toy screws the fastest. They have been at it for about 10 minutes and not tiring of it.
Kayla is practicing the piano, and Josh and Laura are eating mac salad from yesterdays picnic at Bubba and Kellys.
I found a good verse in my Bible in yesterdays reading, Psalm 6 vs. 1-2 (mainly 1). I think if that is the way we want the Lord to correct us, we should do the same with our children. Funny how we can read the same verse many times and just one day it finally stands out and has a meaning we need.

Talk to you later

My songs

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