Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Well, Tiffany and I went on a late night Walmart shopping trip. Did I just say that? Late night? I must be getting old. We left before 8:00 PM and was home before 10. It was fun. I was childless (which probably never happens, except when we go on the nursing home ministry), Brad was home, and 3 were in bed before I left-- 2 of those were sleeping, and Micah probably fell right to sleep, so he "watched" the kids.

Today we are going to do a lot of baking and doing the odds and ends for tomorrows dinner. We always have a big day on Thanksgiving (well, all holidays). I make my own meal, sometimes friends of ours join us. Then we visit my parents for a short time, and then we go and visit his parents.

My plans are to get 2 pumpkin and one apple pie done today, Macarooni salad, and deviled eggs. Will see if I can get it all done.

Talk to you later

Saturday, November 7, 2009


Well, we are out of heat, out of oil, out of wood, and no time to get either. So we are all bundled up. It is right now at 68 in my house. Brrr! I am so not used to it. I am a cold person, 74 degrees is what I like or warmer. I guess I will get used to it. I put warmer blankets on the kids last night when I checked on them before I went to sleep, and I am glad i did. I did not realize we would run out of oil in the night.
Kayla is going to a craft fair with her piano teacher. Whenever she finishes a piano book she gets to do something special with the teacher. Something she looks forward to.
Well, I better get to work. TAlk to you later

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