Thursday, October 8, 2009

Crickets on the Loose

Okay, so we got a gecko the other week, and they eat crickets. I hate bugs, so I won't feed the gecko. Well, Grandma came over for Timothys birthday and she has never seen the gecko. So the kids want to show her the gecko and someone knocks over the jar that has the crickets in it. Lid comes off and out goes about 50 crickets!!!! Now we are all right there, but they disappear real quick, we got about 8 of them (well, mom did, I grabbed a bowl to throw over them), now all the rest of the day I will see a cricket hop across my floor and I am up grabbing my bowl again to take 5 minutes to get him into his jar again. So I have recovered about 8 more today, that means only about 36 to go!!!!!!!!!!! Argh, whose idea was a gecko anyway? My question is how did we miss that many getting by us when we were all standing in a circle, and where are they hiding and coming out from?
Talk to you later, (if the crickets don't get me)

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